We help Moab: provide support for the houseless, work towards zero waste, and organize trail restoration and cleanup crews
A non-profit helping people and healing the planet, one solution at a time
Moab Solutions
To Support our Community Solutions

Moab Solutions uses what’s already available to create a more collaborative community, reducing waste and connecting people in the process
For every challenge,
we believe there is a solution.
Everything we do at Moab Solutions comes down to those two mantras. Our mission is to leverage our abundant resources and the passionate community in Moab to craft simple win-win solutions to complex problems.
Because helping people heals the planet, and healing the planet helps people.
If you want to help people and heal the planet, join us!

Yes, progress is urgent, but it’s not all or nothing
If we could wave a magic wand and create the perfect world, we would. But reality is complicated. We know a healthy community is a “forever project” maintained by passionate people doing what they can, when they can.
Moab magic is made of Quiet Yeses and Small Wins over time

gets someone medicine
keeps a family’s lights on
Funds a year's worth of green job training for the homeless
Any amount from 20 to 2,000 dollars is a success that moves Moab forward. Become part of the solution by doing what you can, when you can.
the amount of recycling collected in one day on Potato Salad Hill
the miles of trails we’ve helped get cleaned up and adopted
public recycling bins installed throughout the community
amount spent on providing emergency assistance in 2024
people we’ve gotten into rehab
A project to get all 5+ miles of Moab’s in-town trails system adopted by cleanup groups
Friends of the Parkway
Annual project aimed at protecting fragile desert soils from off road vehicle damage
Common Thread/Operation Cooperation
These are some of our favorite Moab cleanups and community services that we show up for every year since 2005.

Consistency and compassion keeps Moab clean, kind and wild

Knowledge is power, collaboration is strength

We can’t do better until we know better. Moab Solutions is always looking for ways to improve.
Some of our biggest a-ha moments have come from kids, teens and professionals with fresh perspectives. If you have new ideas, feedback or inspiration for making a positive change, we want to hear from you.